Privacy-forward digital identity tools for Web3 developers

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SpruceKit open-source libraries for decentralized identity

Let users authenticate into decentralized identity.

Introduce decentralized identity on top of authentication technologies like Sign-In with Ethereum, and OAuth 2.0.

Let users create and protect personal data vaults.

Enable users to manage how data are stored, retrieved, and more in a personal data vault.

Let users manage how their data are used and shared.

Empower users to define who can access their data and when that access is revoked.

Let users present verifiable facts about themselves.

Create credential issuance and verification flows for users to easily link attestations about who they are and what data they own.

Build identity wallets with SpruceKit Wallet SDK

The SpruceKit Wallet SDK can augment an existing identity wallet to extend support for various digital credential protocols or provide you with the building blocks to launch a new identity wallet.

The SDK supports React Native, Flutter, and native mobile languages for integration into native applications.

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Open source, closed privacy

Transparency is a cornerstone of what we do, so we develop in the open. SpruceKit and its components are fully open source under the Apache 2.0 or MIT licenses, allowing anyone to see (and trust) how it works. Curious about how to contribute?